Inspiration From The Sound of Freedom

I went with my Mom to watch The Sound of Freedom and how it impacted my perception of the world we are currently living in this day.  There was a scene in the movie where one of the characters looked at the officer and said “When God Calls You To Do Something, You Cant Hesitate”  Your life has a purpose, and you absolutely have a reason for being here on this planet. Mark Twain said it best, the two best days of your of life are when you are born, and when you find out why. Is something tugging at your heart strings?  Do you keep having these thoughts about a different life for yourself?  Start listening to your intuition.  Get away from people who constantly planting seeds of doubt into you. The life you want is reserved for you, and you must be willing to delay gratification to have it.  You must not GIVE UP!  You are one decision away from a completely different life! So take a leap of faith and get in the game!  Dont hesitate! I would love to help you get out of your own way!
