Inspiration From The Ultimate Navy Seal Test

Heard something the other day about Hell week in the Navy Seal trainings.  Operating on about 4-5 hrs of sleep for an entire week.  When you realize that the end is insight you can hold on because you  know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  What do you do in regards to going for your dream? When you cant see the end in sight are you going to stop because you are not getting a result? Are you going to let the judgement of other people stop you from your pursuit?  Everyday is going to be a test.  Are you willing to accept the challenge of what you are called to do while you are here.  When you want your  life to be different you will be me with plenty of opposition. When you realize that you are not fulfilling your purpose the more frustrated you will become.  How can you relate to people? Do you know who you are, and where you have been, and do you know where you are going?  When you get closer to your goals and start to move in the direction of your calling you will be met with at least 4 tests in your life.

Test 1 – Unexpected Direction

Test 2 – Nervous Delay

Test 3 – How Can Life Be Better

Test 4 – Nasty Disaster

How are you showing up today amidst of all the above tests! When you are ready to show up and  stop playing small!
