Inspiration From Turning The BIG 50

I reflect on turning 50 this year and what it means to me.  18,263 days here on earth. Blessed, Lucky, and the ride has been pretty amazing thus far and my best days are not even ahead of me yet.  I had breakfast with our missions director of our Church Mr. Rick Brown! He told me that when  you are called to do something in this life God will sometimes redirect your steps. It will never look like what we think its going to look like. How many of you guys out there are feeling the same way in regards to where you are on your journey.  The change that’s coming is going to put you on the trajectory on where you are supposed to be at.  When you have gone through something serious in this life, you become very dangerous.  Why?  Because you have been through Hell on earth and are still here to give wisdom to others who are hurting and need guidance and direction?  We all have a story to share and a lesson to teach! Step into the story of your life!  There has been never been a better time to start on your dream! The world is waiting to hear from you! be aware when a redirect happens because it could be exactly what you need to get where you are headed!
