Inspiration From What Your Loved Ones Leave Behind

I talk about an interview I heard a few months back about a lady named Jamie Lee Ward. She was a very successful multi level marketer and passed just recently from stage 4 cancer. She tried the holistic approach to her healing and was refusing chemotherapy.  She was still plowing through her life full speed even though she had been given a time of no longer being here. I saw my Father shortly after he passed, and even though his shell was there, his spirit had left his body.  Even when they leave, they leave a piece of themselves within us after they are gone and still live within us. When you realize that when a loved one leaves you and has given you everything you need when they leave.  There isn’t any amount of money that is worth one second of time.  Life is but a breath, and when  you realize that time is really the most important commodity on this planet you can begin to start looking at how you are spending your time, and who you are spending it with.  Most people fall victim to the If I had game, If I had a bigger house, If I had a better car, If I had xyz, I would be happy.  Things wont make you happy!  What kind of seeds are you sowing today?  When you talk about people consistently you are setting yourself up for thorns and thistles.  Remove yourself from things that are unhealthy for your lifestyle. What are you looking at? What are you reading? What are you allowing to occupy your thoughts. There is a version of you that is screaming for you to change and grow to the best version of yourself.
