Inspiration From When You Are Feeling Down and Out

What do you do when you are feeling down and out?  I talk about my animal kind of coming back to life and turning the corner just a bit.  I have a rule in this life, animals, kids, and old people you just don’t mess with them! Everyone else can fend for themselves.  There are gonna be many highs and lows on this journey or entrepreneurship.  When you realize that you have a calling on your life and drives you to create something while you are here it will give you the upmost energy!  When you are fighting for you dream, and you feel like you are down and out you are getting close to your dreams. Start to develop a plan when you are gettig off track with these  5 C’s.  Clarity, Consistency, Commitment, Connection, and Celebration.  You can look to any of the words to get you back in alignment. When you are ready to get back on track in regards to pursuing your dream and helping other people in this life.  Reach out!
