Inspiration From Where You Have Been

I was dropping my kids off the other morning at school and my youngest daughter asked me to play some music that she has never done before, so I played her some Whitesnake with a song called here I go again.   The words say I don’t know where I’m going, but I i know where I’ve been.  When you realize that these things that happened to you are not who you are can benefit someone in this life.  I don’t know where this podcast is taking me, but I see the downloads coming and I appreciate each and every one of you.  The song stated that he has made up his mind and he is not wasting no more time.  I feel that verse BIG TIME!  Do you know where you are going, and I am not talking about your 401K!  Most people in the US are living and just surviving and not fulfilling their purpose for being here on this planet.  When you realize that you can start to get moving then you will start to discover a lot of things about yourself.  Do you have people in your life to support you on your journey?  Lets have a conversation, and let me help you get out of your own way!