Lessons Learned From Children’s Choir

My kids sang for the first time together Yesterday in the children’s choir. My youngest came to me early in the morning and had some butterflies and a little anxiety about the performance and all the people that would be there watching. It was a great moment to connect with her and share some of my own personal experiences in regards to performing in front of a crowd of people. I thought for a few after we talked and how we often feel the same scared views when going for our dreams. Uncertainty, Fear, and Doubt start to cloud our judgement in regards to our abilities and our wisdom. Just like I told my daughter, once you start to do the thing you fear most, the fear of doing that thing just goes away. The more you do it, the less you have a fear keeping your prisoner. Don’t be scared to take a shot with the one lottery ticket of life you have been given. There is another world awaiting for you on the other side of that fear.

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