Motivation From Attitude Adjustments

I had a conversation with a gentlemen who was in desperate need of an attitude adjustment.  He told me that he couldn’t get away from the shame and guilt from when he was in his twenties.  He was 43 years old!  You cannot carry the shame and guilt around from your past and expect to be the best version of ourselves. When you realize that your past mistakes are not your identity.  We all make mistakes in this life but those mistakes are only going to sabotage our current peace of mind.  You are meant to fly in this life but while carrying all your baggage from the past with you.  When you let the opinions of other people dictate how you choose to live your life you will always be living out someone else’s dream and vision for your life.  Create you own vision for your life, and hold stead fast to that vison and start moving toward the direction of that vision no matter what.  When you are ready to share your story you can reach me here.
