Motivation From Being Indecisive

I talk about being indecisive in this world and what it will cost you when going for your dream.  If you are indecisive you will be tossed about this life like the waves in the ocean. You will burn so many calories thinking, and thinking, and thinking.  When you have a calling on your life, and know what your purpose is you must not hesitate to get moving.  We are all one decision away from a completely different life, good or bad!  Don’t worry about other people are thinking in regards to this! I can promise you that most of those people are not worried about you because they are too consumed with their own social media feeds and what not.  Most people are afraid to go for their dreams because of all the uncertainty circling around that.  I do it, and I remind myself why I started this podcast. I started to help the individual who was just like me not to long ago.  Are you ready to start?  I want to HELP you! Lets have a conversation!  Book a Call!
