Motivation From Being Lost

I talk about a picture I saw when I was on vacation that stated Get Lost to Find Yourself!  I was lost for a long time in this life, and I wasn’t aligned with my purpose for being here.  When you pain threshold is high enough you will take action!  When you recognize that the pain of moving forward is less than the pain of staying where you are, you will take action!  I want to be your guide, and blast it out to the world! Somebody is waiting to hear from you on the other side of the world!  I could lost talking about all the pillars of this podcast!  When you decide to commit to the process your life will change, as will you!  When you realize that you can use the power of your voice to reach someone around the world and make an impact on their life you will be forever transformed.  Do you have a mission in this life?  What’s your purpose?  Life will come at you full speed when you try and go for your dreams!  None of us are exempt from adversity and challenges!  Sometimes you will feel like you are not doing enough, but you gotta give yourself some grace.  Are you kind to yourself?  Lately I have not been.  Most people’s bar is set to mediocre.  I have a high standard for myself and this ministry which is my podcast.  Do you feel like you have a message to share, and a lesson teach?  Of course you do!  Lets have a conversation!