Motivation From Doing What Works

I talk about something I heard from our director at Celebrate Recovery.  He had been travelling alot, and sick, and stated that he had Stopped Doing What Works!  That statement really resonated with me simply for the fact that ever since school has been out for summer I have been slipping on my routines, disciplines, and all the structures that I put in place to move this podcast forward.  Have you ever had a disruption to your routine and  you just felt like things were off in your life?  Hand raised!  I have absolutely felt like that the last couple of months.  Being held accountable works for me, and probably most other adult human beings on the planet! You need to show up in all areas of your life to move the needle forward! Consistency is necessary for your success.  You will need to set up some boundaries in your life to ensure you can stay the course.  Do not allow yourself to be put in a situation where you are going to be tempted.   The more you become comfortable with trying new things and seeing what works, you can then begin to start seeing the result you are after.  Are you ready to see what can work for you? Lets have a conversation!