Motivation From Jumping Too Conclusions

Conclusions come from where your belief starts at! Have you ever drawn a conclusion as to why you can or cant do something? When you realize that you have been drawing conclusions as to where you are in life you have got to stop doing that and shifting your mindset.  Most people will conform and play it safe and draw a conclusion as to why they cant achieve their dreams.  Do you believe you can make your dreams come true?   I started my journey a little over a year ago and I would be lying if I said their were days I would question all of this! I would then remind myself why I started this journey in the first place. I want to be FREE, and don’t want to continue to ask permission to live my life and that is the driving motivator.  The tongue has the power of life and death so be very careful what you spend time talking about.  What conclusion have you drawn into your life that needs to change?  Life is way too short for you to continue to make excuses for yourself in this life.  Lets have a conversation!