Motivation From Not Listening to The Opinions of Other People

The opinions of other people will always come into play when you put yourself out there.  I posted something other day when I posted somethin about something I saw.  I was immediately attacked by so many people with negative comments.  I took the post down, but it was very comical to me that I had so much engagement from this negative posts..  I find it interesting that I post this podcast everyday  single day which is positive and uplifting and get minimal engagement.  The opinions of other people should not matter when you are going for your dream.  What are you waiting for?  Tired of not being heard?  Podcasting is the perfect medium for you to be who you truly are, and share that message with the world?   Get out of your own way, and start taking action!  You cannot let the fear of rejection and other peoples opinions stop you from completing your mission!  When you realize that the people you are associating with are preventing you from becoming your best self, you gotta get around some different people?  It takes courage to put yourself out there.  When you realize who you actually are, you become a very powerful force to reckoned with.   You owe it to yourself to see just how far you can go in this life.  Ive seen the power of a mastermind group and how much growth awaits you when you get around individuals with big dreams, and a BIG VISION!  Lets talk!


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