Motivation From Not Staying Stuck

I talk about something I saw with a kid building this massive death star Lego creation.   We always have the end result in our minds but there is much work to be done before we can have the finished product.  As I watched the kid dump all the pieces of the project out I couldn’t but think about our life and how those pieces resemble us and our journey here on this planet.  I noticed that the video was on a time lapse and the kid had changed clothes several time before the project was complete.  When you realize that true transformation is going to take time, and it should take time.   Its easy for us to see the result, but we must not neglect the work that needs to be put into becoming the best version of ourselves.  We can all be better, and we are all broken people.  We are not meant to live in the past.  You must start to relinquish those mistakes that you have made to prevent you from being the best version of you! When you realize that your past mistakes don’t define you as a person you can truly be free!  When you are ready to be free, you can get in touch!
