Motivation From Playing Small In Life

What you call small has everything to do with what YOU have seen BEFORE!  How are you feeling today?  Do you feel inadequate?  It all starts with you BS!  Your Belief System!  Who told you that you cant achieve your dreams?   You got to get around people who are doing what you want to do so you can learn! I wanted to see things at a different level so I had to pay the cost!  It cost my money, time, and its all been worth it!  One day it will all be over, and can you honestly say that you gave this life your all?  You gotta be willing to put yourself out there! You owe it to yourself to be the person God created you to be.  What would the future you do today?  Start doing that today!  This journey is You against You!  You will need to create new habits in your life that can benefit you in a positive way.   When you are hanging around people who have no desire for greatness it can drain you if you have a big dream! Its time to discover who you truly are, and I would like to invite you to a conversation so we can talk about the BIG Dream that you are scared to share with those around you!
