Motivation From Taking A Stand

One of these days you are gonna have to take A Stand on your journey! You will need to take a stand to the one thing you are afraid of in this life.  When something starts pulling on your heart strings you cant afford to ignore that.  Most people wont stand for anything in this life because they are afraid of what other people will think in regards to them going against the grain. When you have a calling on your life you will need to take a stand on a lot of different areas in your life.  The world is gonna try and conform you and squeeze you into its mold.  The expectation that most people are trying to achieve simply does not exist. Its no wonder that our kids are having some issues. You will need to stand for not living in mediocrity any longer, and removing people from you life who are preventing you from becoming the person you always wanted to be.  When you realize that nobody can take your story, and you can help someone because you have been through something you become very dangerous. Lets have a conversation and get you some momentum  going in the right direction for possibly the first time in your life!