Motivation From The Freedom You Seek

I finally talk about my last pillar which is the most important to me for a multitude of reasons.  FREEDOM! I talk to a friend who got let go from his job and he was completely blindsided.  When you are so dependent on a job to survive you are trapped.  There is no security in having a job and all are expendable. Why would you continue to conform to a belief system that is not in alignment with your own.  If you a listener of this podcast you want to be FREE!  This podcast has been the perfect medium of self discovery for me.  When you want to have a life of purpose and significance you can then begin to start analyzing all the things in your life that really don’t matter. You surely have some intellectual property that you are holding onto that would help other people.  You can create a virtual stage for yourself and start using the power of your voice to start impacting people all around the world.  Freedom awaits, and the only person in the way is YOU!  Do not allow the old self to prevent you from moving forward.  We are meant for growth and expansion.  If you feel stagnant right now, then you are in a relentless cycle of waking up, going to work, coming home, watching netflix, and doing the same thing for the next 30 years.  That’s INSANITY!  Someone out there is waiting to hear from you and the ripple affect of that could change their life forever.  Stop thinking and take action!  Action will cure all the fears you are having.  Lets have a conversation!


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