Motivation From The Messes of Life

I heard something the other day at Life Group about situation that a parent was in regarding their 20  year old son.  He is withdrawing, and isolating, and I instantly knew what was going on.  God will do whatever it takes to draw us closer to him, and sometimes it wont be pretty!  God should have been the first line of defense instead of the last resort.  We are all broken, and flawed.  I know what its like when you feel like you don’t have any options.   You have gifts that you are not using, and its time to step into your greatness. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  Time is limited, and precious. What is your purpose for being here?  Are you ready to share your story, build your tribe, and inspire people around the globe?  Stop giving your time away to people, places, things and organizations that simply bog you down.
