Motivation From The Movie IF

I talk about taking my youngest daughter for a hike on Crowders Mountain for her 8th birthday. After that we took her to see the movie IF for her birthday and it wasn’t really a kids movie in my honest opinion, but there was a great message there within.   The first line of the movie said the most important story we tell is the one we tell ourselves.  I began to start thinking about the word IF.  To me, that is the biggest word in the world!  If i had more time, if I had more money, if I would have took a shot at this dream.  One day you won’t have more time and your time will have expired.  The longer you wait to take action on your dream, the more difficult it will be to even get started.  You don’t want to spend the rest of your life wondering what if I would have taken action towards my dreams.   Stop sitting around and waiting for something to happen.  Start putting some simple disciplines in your life to hold yourself accountable.  If I just the courage, If I just had the courage, If I just had more time.  There will never will be a perfect time to start moving towards your dream.  The only thing that’s going to happen is that time is going to pass anyway and you will have done nothing.  Don’t stay stuck, and  please don’t go back to default.  Stop giving your time away to people, places, and organizations that don’t serve you or your dream. You have an option, and the option if YOU!  Lets connect!


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