Motivation From The Rip Chord Moments In Life

I heard a speech at the Toastmasters Conference that talked about the rip chord moments in life.  The analogy comes from a story of a guy who went skydiving and talked about how scared he was until he pulled the rip chord for the parachute.  He stated that he had never felt so much peace when the shoot opened, and he realized that he wasn’t going to die.  We should always be looking for moments in life that will forever change our lives. I had that moment when I put my car title up for cash just 18 months ago. I realized that I needed to do something drastic to push me into the next version of Sean 2.0.  We all have life going on and things are busy, but when you realize that you have a calling on your life you can then start to prioritize things if your life that are important.  You will need to have unwavering belief when you start to go for your dream!  There is power in your story, and nobody can copy that from you, and that’s your secret sauce!  You will eventually get to a point in your life where you are gonna have to commit and take a shot, and when youre ready for that moment, I would love to have a conversation with you!
