Motivation From The Roller Coaster of Life

I talk about my youngest daughter finally being able to ride a proper roller coaster.  As we started to climb the first drop she was kind of having second thoughts saying that she wasn’t ready for this. I said baby, you are ready and we are locked and loaded so it’s go time. I use this analogy in regards to going for your dream and pushing that rock up the hill and not knowing when the drop is gonna come and what that ride is gonna look like. You will encounter many uphill battles on your journey as you try and pursue your goals. Are you going to continue to push that rock up the hill and delay gratification for your reward.  You must be willing to sacrifice a minimum of 5 years to a dream when you are willing to give a JOB 30 of the best years of your life?  You must continually keep sowing and the harvest will come.  It’s biblical. Don’t give up, Don’t you ever give up on your dream.  We all have a vison for our life, and you will parish in this life without one. Don’t let your limiting beliefs prevent you from getting out of the starting gate.  I would love to meet you and hear about your dream, and your story!  Let me show you how to get that out of your mind and reach a global audience.
