Motivation From Thinking

I talk about some teachers that really made a difference in my life. There was one teacher by the name of Mr. Sanders who always had the word “Think” on his board and would always try and get us to do just that.  Thinking is hard, and most people don’t want to do it?   You must make a decision to pursue your dreams, and you have to think things through even when those thoughts and doubt tend to cloud our judgement.  Sometimes it will be other people planting those seeds out doubt into our minds.  Most people will never understand why you want to pursue your dreams instead of staying at a job, and when you start to talk about those BIG ideas, it scares them because they already have a version of you in their mind, and cant or don’t want to see the future better you.  Its ok if your friends and family don’t understand and that’s ok because they are not the avatar I am speaking to anyway.  You don’t have to have all the answers, but you can be one step ahead of someone else who was where you were just a few months or years ago!  Reach out when you are ready to transform your life.
