Motivation From Walking Through The Fire

I ran into a guy by the name of Jacob and we had the most profound conversation and he gave me a verse from Isaiah 43 v 2 which says this.

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
Most people who work for someone else dream are not fulfilled in this life.  There is an alignment issue going on with most people in this life.  When you decide to go for your dream with your one shot, but you will be tested and will more than likely pass through the waters, and the fire.  When you are not living up to your potential you tend to become frustrated. Everybody has a story to share and a lesson to teach.   It fills my cup to receive emails and text messages about the show.  We are put here for connection and to help other people.  How would it make you feel if a complete stranger sent you a message and told you that there life has been forever changed because of your message.  God has put something in your heart and you must not ignore it!  You must get moving without hesitation!  You should be spending a minimum of 30 minutes a day on working toward your goals.  It takes alot of effort to focus without distractions. When you are ready, lets have a conversation.