Motivation From Where Our Stories Meet

Where our stories collide is the intersection where the magic happens.  You really need to believe that you can make this happen!!  Podcasting is not a get rich quick scheme, but you will need to develop yourself and create healthy habits around your content creation so that you can stay consistent through this process.  If God puts something inside of you he will see it through, and you must not hesitate in that pursuit! You will need to remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing?  Who are you? Who do you want to be?   When you can really gain clarity on who you want to become you can then start moving in that direction to meet the future version of yourself!  You will want to give up so many times on this journey! I’ve had to really overcome a lot of adversity since starting this journey, but I am committed to the process.  Our life is but a vapor and our time will be up soon, and can you honestly say that you gave your dreams a chance?  If not,  you run the chance of having a lot of regrets one day.  I’m not sure about you, but I don’t want to be sitting around wishing I would have tried to launch this podcast never seeing just how far I could have taken it! Ready to launch your own virtual stage?  Lets have  conversation!
