Motivation From Why Vulnerability Matters

I talk about our mastermind call and how we were all asked to talk about who our ideal client was.  I listened to everyone share their stories and had a stark realization about who I’m actually speaking too.  There is so much power in vulnerability.  I am talkin to the shy kid, who didn’t quite fit in who felt inadequate, not good enough, insecure,  poor coping mechanisms, carrying around your past mistakes, not worthy, and looking at everyone else in life who  just seemed to have life and stuff figured out.   I know who I am, and where I came from.  What about you?  Do you want to live a life of purpose and significance.   When you realize that all the things you did are not your identity you can start to move forward with peace and contentment. You need to forgive yourself, and we all fall short!  Give yourself some Grace. You will always have a consequence for every decision you make good or bad.  Unfortunately for me the consequence almost cost me everything in my life, including my own life!  Your contentment in life with come from your commitment to purpose, not comparison to people.  I want to HELP you! Lets have a conversation! Book a CALL!!! Get on my calendar!
