Passion For Your Destination

I talk about heading out of town for a long overdue Holiday for me and my family.   We are going to the Bahama’s for a few days to make some memories with our kids for my oldest daughters birthday.  Do you have a destination in your life? Do you know where you are going, and why you want to go. Most people want a different life for themselves but they have no idea where to start.  You must set a coordinance for your dreams!  You must start with the end in mind on this journey for your dreams.  You must be intentional with your dreams!  We stopped in Charleston on the way home so I could catch up with a childhood friend who I have not seen in nearly twenty years. My neighborhood was special and the memories made there I will cherish forever.  When you are ready to set sail for the life you are always thinking about, you can reach out anytime!
