Passion Lessons From The Banana Car Story

I ran into a guy on vacation who had built a Banana Car, and I started asking him how the idea came about and just was blown away by his dream and vision for his life. This was a once in a lifetime experience that will probably never happen again.  He began to share his story with me and how it came about from him being an avid hot rod enthusiast.  His creation is in the Guinness book of world records for longest and only Banana Car.  He only worked on the car on Sundays and it took him about 2.5 years.  We took a ride in the car and it was a wonderful memory.  He had a dream, and a vision and took action.  What about you? Are you taking action toward your dreams today?  Without vision we all parish! When you realize that you have greatness inside of you and you start to take action towards your goals all the fear will dissipate.   Pay careful attention to all the signs around you could be missing out on.  When you are ready to launch your podcast and share you story!
