Purpose From A Life Worth Living

Are you living a life worth living?  8 out of 10 people are not!  What are you willing to sacrifice to live the life you want to live?  Are  you willing to sacrifice 30 minutes a week to share your story to the world?  You are the hero and God only made one you, and that is your superpower.   You must cut things out of your life that are distracting you from you dreams.  Are you willing to delay gratification in regards to pursuing your dreams?  You must be able to delay the reward for your efforts having faith that the harvest will come.  Are  you willing to serve people with a servants heart?  You must be willing to serve others on your journey in order to be fulfilled.  Do you have something to offer the world?  I am certain that you have been through something or have a passion that you think about all day long while you are sitting at work, or driving around?  We only have one life, and time is limited and we think we have all this time in the world, and we quite honestly don’t!  You will always have doubts when you try and do something unconventional in this life. All you can do is take another step toward your dreams!  Ready to launch your podcast?  You can reach out anytime!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

