Purpose From Almost Losing My Dog

I talk about the emotional roller coaster that my family has been on in regards to our dog and family member Waylon has been going through.  He has been having a lot of seizures and has been in the ICU for the last few days.  If you have any animal in your life you know how special that bond is.  I have been emotionally drained and making the decision to let him go because of the quality of his life is one that has left me really distracted over the last few days.  What are you doing when you find yourself distracted in this life?  The anticipation of loss can weigh heavier on you than anticipating it.  What are you anticipating in your life?  Change, Growth, A loss of a friend of family member?  What are you doing to get yourself unstuck during these times of debilitating thoughts.  Are you happy in your life right now? Are you seeking change or true growth because you are frustrated in your current state.  You will lose a lot of things in your life when you go for your dreams.  What are you anticipating today?  When you are ready to step into your greatness you can reach out anytime!  Anticipate the unknown and make a plan of what are you gonna do when things go south in your life!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

