Purpose From Labeling Your Arrival

I talk about a session with my therapist.  We discuss how David would number his army and how that was his benchmark and he has something he could measure.  A lot of people are seeking validation from the goal and target that they set for their life. It’s not about the arrival, but its about the journey in regards to you becoming the best version of yourself.  Have you sought validation from external sources in this life?  If you have something you want to achieve in this life it must be for your own personal growth an the impact you are making on everyone one around you.   You can have a lofty dream and I encourage that, but your mission behind it needs to be more than just monetary gain.  I listen to a lot of very successful individuals and they all say the same thing.  When I got the money, the house, the cars, the accolades, I thought I would feel different!  They got the thing but are still thirsty because they are missing purpose, and significance in the equation.   When you are ready to have a conversation about what your passionate about you can reach out!  I would love to meet you!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

