Purpose From The Puzzle Pieces of Life

I talk about a time-lapse video I watched of a kid putting together a Millennium Falcon out of Legos.  I like the fact that all Lego projects show you the finished product on the outside of the box.   The kid dumped out all the pieces of the project and immediately started thinking about how we are all broken in this world and need restoration.  As I watched the video I noticed that the kid changed clothes about 4 – 5 times during the  video which got me thinking that this project took some time.  The key point to remember here is that true transformation is going to take time when we are putting the puzzle pieces of our life back together, and you must give yourself some grace and patience along the way if you are going to truly grow into what God created you to be.   You already have all the pieces you need to get started! When you realize that time is running out and one of these days you wont have any more left.  The time is now to get started!  Take your puzzle pieces from that past and help someone else who needs to hear your story!  When you are ready to launch your podcast, reach out below!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

