Purpose From Wisdom Over Knowledge

Wisdom over Knowledge!  Making the right decisions in your life will drastically improve your life. When you decide to eliminate things that are preventing you from becoming your best self you will come under attack and get discouraged.  When you try and change you try to become someone else.   Most people are frustrated because they are not living up to their true potential.  You can acquire knowledge, but you have to earn wisdom.  You are a child of God, and  I know you have acquired some wisdom that would allow you to help other people out there who are needing to hear from you. People are going to try and stop you when you are on a mission to change yourself and the world.   I know you have a dream, and you must not let that go to the graveyard with you.   You must be willing to take a shot, and get out of the starting gate with your dreams.  Dont discount the wisdom you have gained.  I know you have gifts that you are using currently that you are not utilizing.  You wont be everybody’s cup of tea, and that’s ok.  80% of people don’t enjoy what they are doing for someone elses dream.  I would love to hear from you!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

