Purpose From Your Biggest Insecurities In Life

Today I talk about your deepest fear and how that is a clue to your assignment here in this life. The thing you are afraid of is a clue to what you should be doing in this life.  I used to be a really shy kid, and could never approach anyone back in the day.   When you realize what your insecurities are you must start move against them because that is the biggest blessing waiting for you.  The two most important days in  your life are the day you are born, and the day you figure out why. God granted all of us gifts, and  you must not let your insecurities and past life prevent you from becoming the person you need to be in order for you to fulfill your dreams. You must not let the mistakes from you past define you! You are doing a lot of people in your life a disservice by showing up as your past self.  You need to start asking yourself is the pain of moving forward greater or less than the pain of staying where you are at. Time is goin to pass anyway, so you might as well get going in that direction. Every human being has a dream, and you must not hesitate! You will need to start eliminating distractions in your life to move forward, and this will be your biggest challenge.  When you are ready for transformation, go here!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

