The Broken Pieces of Life – Mindi Lyons Interview

I had the pleasure to catch up with Mindi Lyons and hear her remarkable story of overcoming some of life’s most difficult situations, and how she was able to overcome these trials!  We take a deep dive into to all things mindset, God, Faith, and belief in yourself!  Do enjoy!


Meet Mindi, the embodiment of resilience and badassery. With three children at her side and a lifetime of battles behind her, Mindi is a living testament to the unstoppable force of the human spirit.

Battling through the grips of deep depression and morbid obesity, she emerged stronger, fiercer, and more determined than ever.

Overcoming toxic marriages with traumatic endings, Mindi faced adversity head-on, refusing to be defined by the struggles of her past.

With each setback came an opportunity for growth, a chance to rewrite the narrative and reclaim her power.

From financial ruin and homelessness, she faced every challenge with grit and determination, never losing sight of her ultimate goal: to create a better life for herself and her children and to show others what is possible when you refuse to give up on yourself and your dreams.

Because of her unconventional mindset and unwillingness to accept limitations, Mindi is making a positive impact on thousands of lives around the world.

Her journey is one of transformation, marked by triumphs over adversity and a refusal to accept anything less than greatness.

But Mindi’s impact doesn’t stop with her own story.

As the architect of countless transformations, Mindi possesses an uncanny ability to see the untapped potential within others, calling forth their greatness with a clarity that borders on the supernatural.

Through her transparent sharing of her own journey and her practical strategies for success, she doesn’t just inspire; she empowers.

In Mindi’s world, vulnerability is a superpower, and authenticity is the key to unlocking limitless potential.

Her intuitive nature cuts through the noise, stripping away the layers to reveal the raw humanity beneath. In her presence, you’re not just heard; you’re seen, understood, and celebrated for the depth of your being.

Mindi isn’t just a leader; she’s a visionary. A guiding light for those who dare to dream and a relentless champion for those who refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary.

Whether gracing the stage or captivating audiences through the digital realm, Mindi commands attention with her infectious energy and magnetic presence. But beneath the surface lies a woman of depth and nuance, whose laughter is as contagious as her determination to lift others up.

Mindi isn’t just a name; she’s a revolution. A conversation with her isn’t just words exchanged; it’s a journey of self-discovery, a catalyst for transformation.

In a world full of noise, Mindi is a beacon of hope and inspiration, a reminder that no matter how dark the night may seem, the dawn always brings new possibilities.

To know her is to know yourself deeper.


