The Fragility of Life!

I talk about my dog having some sort of seizure here at the house just a day or so ago.  It was a very scary moment for me and my wife as we watched him gasp for breath and go limp not knowing what was going on.  I took him to the emergency vet, and the care he received from the team at Sharon Road VEG team was bar none!  Doctor Sites and her staff were passion driven individuals who were dedicated to help animals and the families responsible for them. While I was waiting on results for my animal I witnessed another animal fighting for life, and watched as it took its last breath just a few feet away from me.  The family was erratic, and  I have been through this process many time before.  I was emotional and crying, and one of the nurse techs by the name of Kristi came to check on me.  I told her that I was ok, and that this is all part of the human experience., and having the ability to feel the emotion and releasing it was a very beautiful thing.  I began talking to her about her life, and the things she was going through, and she shared some personal things with me, and we had a moment, human, to human.  I share this story with you because we will all face a time when our time here on this earth will come to an end. I urge you to start moving toward your dreams to ensure you wont take your dream to the graveyard with you.  I would love to meet you, here your story, and why you think you were put here on this planet.
