This One Life Interview with Coach Caryl Mix

I had the pleasure of getting to know Caryl through Sam Crowley’s Mastermind Podcasting group.  She was our mindset and social media strategy coach.  I had some of my biggest break throughs with her on these calls, and I am forever grateful for the wisdom she imparted into me during our time together!  I know you guys are going to enjoy this interview!  Here is her story!

Several years ago, a series of life altering events, literally left my world reduced to rubble in every aspect…physically, emotionally, and financially.  It had changed the trajectory of my life in a way that I couldn’t even imagine.

Through supporting my husband through a broken lower back, my business being torn down in a relocation project, building it back up from scratch to battling severe anemia, (all happening at the same time…really?!) I have learned a thing or two about holding it together, juggling it all while having everything implode all around you and how to climb back out and amazingly enough find myself in the process.

I honestly feel that sometimes we have to have everything come down all around us to be able to build it all back up, stronger and better.

It finally took my hitting the proverbial wall to realize that I wasn’t even there anymore.  I was just going through the motions of serving everyone elses needs but my own.  I didn’t even know who I was anymore.  I was erased.  Just putting out fire after fire. I was living reactionary in every aspect of my life. Who was I kidding?  I had one husband, two businesses, three children and four employees, I had to have been out of my mind to think that I could “balance” everything while not even considering taking care of myself.

What was I thinking?

While receiving iron infusions at the Cancer Center I was finally forced to sit still long enough to begin to examine every aspect of my life and begin the work of putting it all back together again. Using that time to examine what worked and what didn’t work allowed me to put my health back together again, rebuild my business and create a brand new career path that not only changed my life but also transforms the lives of others.

Today?  My health is optimum, my business has rebounded and I am now a Speaker, Accountability Coach and Mentor, helping other busy women create systems to see their own goals through while finding themselves, helping them to create inner balance as opposed to looking on the outside for “balance” and teaching them how to lead a more fulfilling, happy life.

When Im not busy teaching, speaking or coaching you can find me on solo adventures seeing the world through the lens of my camera, hiding out at the beach or in the forest or spending time with my husband, three children, new daughter in law and my brand new grandbaby girl.