What’s Your Handicap?

Met a guy named Adrian who was paraplegic.  I stopped and talked to him and asked him about how he winded up in this  chair.  He told me that his friend was suppose to be a DD and didn’t do what he said he would do and drank,  hit a wall and the result was him being confined to this chair the rest of his life.   He continued to tell  me that the same guy sometime later ended up killing someone from drinking and driving.  U would think that paralyzing a friend would be enough to wake you up, and now his life is pretty much forever changed from one decision being made. If there’s one thing I know that your life can be totally different based upon one decision.  So my question  to you is this.,.. what kind of decisions are you making today ?? Are you making the type of decisions that are progressing you forward toward your dreams, or are you playing the blame game with why you are where you are at this particular phase of your life?  When you are ready to stop blaming others for your current circumstances and take ownership for your life you can can reach out here so we can have a conversation about why you are where you are and where you want to go!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

