Where To Look In Turbulent Times

I had a conversation with a good fried of mine who is a pilot.  He was telling me what he relies on when the turbulence is really bad.  His focus is on the instruments only. If we focus on what’s going on around us we are gonna get distracted in regards to going for our dreams. Whatever your focus goes, energy flows.  If you focus on the chaos you are going to invite that into your life. What are you focusing on today? Most people are focusing on the wrong thing because they are majoring in minor things. Major in your dreams! God put you for a a reason! Are you using them today? What is it that you do that comes so easy to you that you could teach someone to do? Have you even tried?  When you are ready to take a shot, would you reach out to me so we can have a conversation!

Connect: linkwithsean.com

